How is a vehicle carrying ADR goods identified?

The identification of ADR vehicles is extremely important; the transport of hazardous materials, although a safe practice in the hands of professionals, requires a series of preventive and safety measures to avoid possible problems, or even to mitigate the effects of one if necessary. For this reason, labeling and its visibility, both on the packages and containers carrying the cargo and on the vehicles in charge of its transportation, is essential for the correct development of this activity.

Depending on the type of vehicle, dimensions and load, the labeling varies, as well as its placement on the corresponding surface. For example, according to special provision 363, vehicles that include means of containment with a capacity exceeding 1,500 liters require the incorporation of label plates on each of the four outer sides. In addition, the related information must be included in the accompanying transport documentation by means of a supplementary mention.

Another circumstance to be taken into account in the identification of ADR vehicles is dangerous goods packed in limited quantities. In these cases, the carrier must always be correctly informed of the gross total of the materials that are part of the shipment. In the case of transport units exceeding a maximum mass of 12 tons transporting dangerous goods fixed in limited quantities, they must bear a special marking (a white diamond with two black triangles at the ends) on both the rear and the front. This same marking must appear on the sides of the container that will transport the material (if applicable). If the vehicle is transporting at the same time other dangerous goods classified to carry an orange panel, the limited quantity panel can be omitted (although both can also be carried). As with other labels, this mark must have a minimum size of 250 x 250 mm.

If the gross mass of materials to be transported does not exceed 8 tons, it is not mandatory to place the markings on the transport unit or on the container.

As regards the general provisions on label-plates, these must be compulsorily affixed to the outer walls of containers, tank containers, portable tanks, vehicles, etc. It must be taken into account that these plates, in addition to respecting the minimum recommended measurements, must be placed on backgrounds of colors that offer good contrast and allow good visibility to anyone viewing the vehicle. Alternatively, they may be surrounded by a continuous or dashed line, or by a border; the important thing is that they serve their purpose in clearly identifying ADR vehicles.

Basic ADR labels
ADR labels for tanks

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