ADR Class 4.3
Substances that in contact with water release flammable gases.
These are hydroreactive materials that give off flammable gases that can form explosive mixtures with air.
Classification of materials Class 4.1
The materials and objects of class 4.3 are subdivided as follows:
- W Substances which, in contact with water, release flammable gases without subsidiary risk
- W1 Liquids
- W2 Solids
- W3 Objects
- WF1 Liquid substances that release flammable gases in contact with water
- WF2 Solid matter which in contact with water liberates flammable gases
- WS Substances that undergo spontaneous heating in contact with water release flammable gases, solid
- WO Substances which in contact with water release flammable gases, oxidizers, solids.
- WT Substances which in contact with water release flammable, toxic or toxic gases.
- WT1 liquids
- WT2 solids
- WC Materials that in contact with water release flammable or corrosive gases.
- WC1 liquids
- Solid WC2
- WFC Substances that in contact with water give off flammable, flammable and toxic gases.
Class 4.3 materials are listed in Table A 3.2, those which are not expressed are assigned collective heading according to according to 2.1, we will apply the test method described in based on the Test Manual i criteria under the following criteria to assign the class:
- the gas given off ignites spontaneously
- when a loss of flammable gas of 1 liter/Kilo material is registered during one hour.
Based on the test procedure according to the Manual of Tests and Criteria and the criteria set out in a material expressly mentioned in Table A of Chapter 3.2, it may occur that the test result is such that the material is not subject to the conditions of the present class even though Table A so indicates.
Class 4.3 packing groups
The criteria to establish the packing groups as well as the criteria to establish if it belongs to a class are:
- Packing group I applies to material that releases flammable gas in contact with water in excess of 10 liters/kilo in one minute.
- Packing group II when the release is equal to or greater than 20 liters/Kilo in one hour.
- Packing group III when the release is equal to or greater than 1 liter/Kilo in one hour.